D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M - System of Effective Replacements
Are you looking for your English lesson, but your calendar shows a meeting with a client scheduled for the very same time? Or do you have to deal with some unexpected issues? In the D∙R∙E∙A∙M Programme, you can easily replace cancelled lessons directly in our app. With one simple click, you can mark the right date for a replacement with your teacher or choose one of our online Language Catalogue lessons.
What is D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M - System of Effective Replacements?
Our new web application is designed for complex administration of courses by both the students and the teachers | Process of systemic communication between the students and the teachers | Unique Language Catalogue where you can choose from a wide variety of replacement lessons
Enter our Language Catalogue and discover a new dimension of language training. There is nothing that might stand in the way of your progress.
New: Self-study Lexicon
Consistency is the key to successful learning, but sometimes a business meeting or a business trip gets in the way. That's why the D∙R∙E∙A∙M project offers a system of replacement lessons, which we are now extending with the Self-study Lexicon!
If a student misses a lesson and the alternative dates offered by their teacher or the online lessons from the Language Catalogue do not suit them, after 30 days, they will receive study materials. Each includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, audio tracks, videos and an answer key. All tailored to the student's level and preferences.
How do employers benefit from D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M?
Use the potential of in-company language training to its fullest
Make replacement of cancelled lessons smoother - which then leads to continuity in learning and progress
Variety of topics to choose from for replacement lessons so that they meet each student's needs
If the aim of in-company language training is to progress employees' language skills and this way improve their benefit for the employer themselves, D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M brings you the necessary tools to achieve it.
Supports the continuity of language training through the smooth scheduling of replacement lessons.
If a replacement with the course's teacher isn't possible, D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M always gives you the option to attend the lessons of Language Catalogue instead.
In the Language Catalogue, the student chooses replacement based on their needs or interests (real-life situation on the phone; skill-focused replacement lessons, such as Emails in English, Presentations: Intros, Dealing with Phone Calls etc.) Selection of materials for self-study if not chosen in the catalog.
Replacement lessons, both with the course's teacher or in Language Catalogue, need to take place within 30 days after the cancelled lesson. This is how we maintain the continuity of language training and ensure that the value of the means invested by the employer into language training will be increased in a foreseeable period of time.
How do students benefit from D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M?
Easy administration of their language training in one app
Accessible via smartphone, tablet or laptop
Efficient scheduling of replacement lessons
Replacement chosen based on the student's own interests and preferences
In one app, students can do the basic admin around their course(s), choose a replacement date for a cancelled lesson or choose an open lesson in the Language Catalogue.
In the Language Catalogue, the student chooses a replacement lesson based on their work-related needs or preferences (students have the freedom to choose the replacement lesson based on their own interests) which increases the production of newly learnt language and language progress in general (efficiency on the employer's side). Selection of materials for self-study if not chosen in the catalog.
Interesting topics and new teachers in the replacement lessons bring an element of something new into the student's regular language course.
Variety of dates and topics motivates the student to replace a cancelled lesson and leads to continuity of language learning.
How does D⋅R⋅E⋅A⋅M work?
Students cancel a lesson → the teacher offers replacement dates
Teacher cancels a lesson → they immediately offer replacement dates
If a replacement isn't possible, students choose an open lesson in the Language Catalogue to replace the cancelled lesson
The replacement needs to take place within 30 days after the cancelled date
Even if there is no replacement, the lesson will be invoiced
How can I excuse myself from a lesson?
Usually, you can excuse yourself 24 hours prior to the lesson at the latest (with lessons scheduled for Mondays, the deadline is set to Friday at 3pm - you can find the exact rules applicable to you in the administration app, in the section Your course). Excuses have to be entered only through the app.
A lesson is considered cancelled when the last student in the course enters their excuse. A lesson can be cancelled by the teacher as well. As soon as a lesson is cancelled, all the participants (students, teacher) receive the information via email.
How can I agree with my teacher on a replacement lesson?
If a lesson is cancelled by the students, the teacher has 48 working hours to let them know whether a replacement lesson is possible. If a lesson is cancelled by the teacher, they enter the information immediately.
What information does the teacher enter into the system:
Offer of 1-3 replacement dates. Students respond to the offer by voting / choosing the preferred date:
Individual course - student chooses 1 date from the offer that suits them
Group course - within the next 48 working hours, students respond to the individual terms (Yes, Maybe, No). If they don't respond within the time limit, their lacking response will be considered No. 1x Yes or 1x Maybe are enough for a term to be chosen as the replacement lesson.
Entering a date that has already been agreed on with the students.
Refusal of a replacement lesson option (e.g. the teacher's sickness, limited time availability etc.)
A scheduled replacement lesson is displayed in the calendar in the app in white.
What happens if my and my teacher's availabilities don't allow for a replacement lesson?
If your company is part of the S∙E∙N project, a replacement within 30 days after the cancelled date is mandatory - either through the Language Catalogue or through a phone call with your teacher (available only for students from individual courses)
If a replacement doesn't take place within 30 days, the original lesson is still invoiced.
For more information go to the page Language Catalogue
Is the system an obstacle for students?
Our system follows current organizational trends
Excuse yourself with just 2 clicks, from anywhere, at your convenience
Choosing a replacement according to your interests has a large positive impact on motivation
Currently, having an online system for tracking regular activity is a must. Excusing from a lesson or agreeing on a replacement lesson via phone calls or SMS to either the teacher or the CM responsible is rather inefficient. Using the app, students can excuse themselves from a lesson with literally 2 clicks. Other tasks will be accomplished similarly easily - be it voting for a suggested date or choosing in the Language Catalogue.
One of the major pros of the web application is the possibility to access it through a smartphone, tablet or laptop. The only thing required from the student is internet access.
Are there any pitfalls in the system?
Student's unwillingness to take over the responsibility for their language training
Passive approach
Unwillingness to step out of the comfort zone and widen one's development options
The crucial element of success is the student's active approach. It's the student who is responsible for their language training management through the web application, e.g. by entering the excuse into the system.
The same principles apply to choosing a replacement. If a lesson gets cancelled and cannot be replaced with the regular teacher, students will be notified about the option of choosing a replacement lesson from the Language Catalogue. The replacement has to take place within 30 days after the cancelled lesson. The sooner students enter the Catalogue, the larger the offer on dates and topics will be.
The offer on Catalogue courses is designed in a way so that students can choose from lessons scheduled on various days (Mon-Fri), various times (7:30-19:00) and various topics (skill-based lessons, e.g. Emails in English, and topic-based lessons, e.g. Traveling - English Survival Guide).
Students are fully responsible for all aspects of replacement lessons - choosing them on time, changing their topic, date or time, and attending the lessons themselves.