8 Tips on a perfect lesson
Below, you will find 8 core elements of efficient language lessons.
It doesn't really matter whether your lessons take place online or F2F. It also doesn't really matter whether a specific lesson focuses on grammar, conversation, exam preparation or a completely different language area. In any case, the core elements will ensure that your knowledge and skills will continue developing.
Lessons have to start on time - this is the only way to provide enough space for your teacher to lead you to the target language of the lesson, including the vital free practice part.
Your teacher should know why you're learning the new language. This is how they can tailor their lessons to your individual needs and walk you through areas and skills that are important to you.
Notes / visualization
New language always needs to be written down, be it on a whiteboard in the classroom or using an online tool in your online lessons. This is how you as a student perceive it visually which again helps you to remember it better.
Student engagement
Communication between the students is crucial in a language lesson - they should work and be active, not wait until it's their turn. It is important that language production happens between the students with the teacher monitoring, not between a student and the teacher with other students waiting.
Language lessons cover areas that are relevant for you as a student, be it work-related or free-time topics. This is to ensure that you learn language useful to you in your life.
Revision is a crucial part of the process of remembering information which is why you will revise things in every lesson. At the beginning of each lesson, you should revise the last lesson's target language. At the end of the lesson, you will be asked to revise the current target language.
Avoid L1
In order to maximize the impact of your language lessons, try to avoid L1 as much as possible - continuous switching from one language to the other along with attempts to match two different language systems puts a strain on one's thinking capacity and doesn't lead to successful language acquisition.
Error correction
Your teacher will correct mistakes you make - this is the only way for you to learn from them and progress in your language learning. They will use both delayed and immediate correction along with various techniques. Last but not least, they will lead you to self-correction.